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The Weight of The World Always Rest on The Shoulders of A Family’s Eldest Daughter.

There are always cheesy themes and hidden messages in movies, and TV shows. Some fake and cliche but some brutally honest and true, One message that is true and through is that…

“The weight of the world always rests on the shoulders of a family’s eldest daughter“.

She is responsible for holding the family together. I found this to be true on many, many occasions. Most recently is this past Christmas season. So recent, trust me I know. All within 72 hours of each other 95% of my family ended up with COVID, my grandfather passed away and I ended up being my little brother’s guardian for four days, all of this taking place three days before Christmas.

You can imagine my shock…

Christmas was definitely weird and hard this year, that is for sure. I won’t lie I had a bit of a breakdown in the store shopping for stocking stuffers for my little brother. I was so overwhelmed and thought I was in way over my head on this. I had never “been in charge” of Christmas before, but I couldn’t let my family know this… I had to hold it together for them. I seriously give my mom credit for always giving my siblings and I such an amazing Christmas all of these years!

Sometimes the task is somewhat simple and manageable, but other times it’s soul-crushing…

Stuffing stockings, and putting presents under the tree, that’s simple. Keeping track of your teenage brother… ahh not too difficult but defiantly not the easiest! Writing your grandfather’s obituary… that, is rough, to say the least.

I’m lucky though because I know that once all of this is over I will have my family to fall back on, and that’s exactly what happened. they were there for me to back me up and keep me level-headed after all of the craziness. I know a lot of girls don’t have that security, and that honestly breaks my heart because it’s a lot, both mentally, emotionally, and sometimes physically.

Sometimes ladies like us are forced to grow up way, way too quick. You’ll learn that quickly. I don’t know… eldest daughters are built differently…

It’s almost a natural instinct if you think about it… The eldest daughter almost plays that second mother role, always protecting and looking after the littles when mom is not there. She knows she knows what to do if someone gets hurt, she knows what to do if someone is sad and you know damn well she will do anything and everything in her power to make everything right. Never underestimate the power of the eldest daughter, ever.