Why Driver’s License by Olivia Rodrigo Has Been #1 on the Billboard Charts

In the song “Driver’s License” by Olivia Rodrigo, she speaks of how her ex left her for his new “blonde girl.” She sings about the heartbreak that he put her through because she can not understand how he left her and how he is happy in his new relationship. 

There is a lot of speculation saying that the song is about Rodrigo and Joshua Bassett’s relationship because certain lyrics from the song make fans think that the song is specifically about him. Personally, I just love the song, but one aspect makes the song more dramatic and heartfelt. Because it is about Joshua Bassett. And they were publicly known to be best friends or in a relationship. He has since moved on and is in a new relationship.

I have been a fan of Olivia Rodrigo when she first started releasing music.

I think that she is incredibly talented, especially for only being 17 years old. It amazes and inspires me that she writes her own music and that she sings with so much emotion. When she sings, she is so vulnerable and specific that it makes it easier for the audience to connect and feel her pain.

I have never been in a relationship, but her song makes me feel like I have been through a breakup.

Also, I understand that she is an actress, but her emotions are so raw, so it makes her music more sensitive to the audience. She is unbelievably talented and I think that she has a big career ahead of her because she only has about three songs out and two of her three songs have been on the Billboard charts.

In the behind-the-scenes for the music video, “Driver’s License,” Rodrigo explains how she was able to use her own ideas to help make the music video the way she wanted. This goes to show just how talented she is now that the music video has over 79 million views and over 4 million likes.

Rodrigo implemented a lot of her ideas in the music to make the song more relatable and honest with her audience.

She explains how, in one clip, she uses “projections as a way to signify the memories that keep running through her head as she’s going through a heartbreak” (Rodrigo). I think that the visuals that she used for the music video were so creative because not only did she sing how she felt, but she also projected the thoughts that were running through her mind. I think she did an amazing job connecting with the audience because she was so vulnerable.

It is no surprise that the song has remained number one for weeks.

Furthermore, using the projections of her thoughts, she explained how she wanted to “capture the feeling of teenage heartbreak in the suburbs which has kind of been [her] experience” (Rodrigo). 

I think that songs are always more successful when they actually tell a meaningful story because music can be a way for the audience to release their feelings of emotion. Therefore, I think that Olivia Rodrigo did an amazing job with the song and music video for “Driver’s License” because she wrote the song with so much emotion and passion which is impressive – especially for her young time. 

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About the Author

Genesis Lee-Smith is an 18-year-old college freshman. She loves writing and seeing what other people enjoy writing about. Writing is important to Genesis because she believes it is a great way for people to connect, inspire others, educate, and give advice.

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