Why The Movie Amsterdam Is Ahead Of It’s Time.

With a start-studded cast and implied, witty dialogue, I felt compelled to go see the much-anticipated movie Amsterdam. I purposefully avoided spoilers and only indulged in a few previews with critic-quoted levels of acclaim overplayed on top of the preview itself. In other words, I read nothing about it.   All I really knew were these four things. 1:) Margot Robbie was in it. 2:) It looked semi-serious and yet very funny. 3:) Christian Bale was in it.  4:) The cast was full of stars, the costumes looked glamorous and the period piece set in the 1900s had a who dun it , (think Knives out) murder mystery appeal to it.


Amsterdam, both a drama and a comedy was written by and directed by David O Russell, is a story about three friends set in the 1930s who, while being framed for murder, uncover one of the wildest plots in American History.

Amsterdam was inspired by the Business Plot, a conspiracy coup that almost happened. Bankers and wealthy Americans attempted to overthrow then-President Franklin D Roosevelt, to replace him with a fascist veterans organization.

History is doomed to repeat itself.

And love and art are what make the world goes round. So true!  This group of thespians and method actors came together to entertain and to bring up some of the most basic life lessons. Amsterdam was inspired by the Business Plot, a conspiracy coup that almost happened. Bankers and wealthy Americans attempted to overthrow then-President Franklin D Roosevelt, to replace him with a fascist veterans organization.


The Cast Is Outrageous

The movie does a great job with a fun script and overanalyzing the mundane in a “pulp fictionesque” sort of way, but it does try to be funny while still sending a direct message against evil, oppression, discrimination and the poor being powerless. At one point, I felt like the three friends played by Margot Robbie, Christian Bale, and John David Washington (of Tenet Fame), were “Off To See The Wizard Of Oz” when visiting General Gil Dillenbeck at his home (played by Robert De Niro. In part, because of Margot Robbie’s perfect vertigo collapse, akin to the Scarecrow. I know I did not imagine this!  And while there were many deja vu moments like this during the film, it is meant to be indulged.

With an all-star ensemble cast and a plot, kept fairly under wraps, it was a joy to see Zoe Saldana, Mike Myers, Chris Rock, Taylor Swift, Ed Begley Jr, and so much more talent in one film. Go check it out! Amsterdam is in theaters now.

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