This Guy’s Story Of His Haunted Ouija Board Experience Will Make You Swear Off The Game Forever

TIf you’ve ever used a Ouija Board, you’d know that those things can seriously be haunted. Maybe you believe in spirits, maybe you don’t—but, for many of us, Ouija Boards have given us some spooky times and haunting moments. Marcus Hitchcock shared the story of using a Ouija Board and, the story is so messed up, you will swear off every playing the game again—for real. Even Marcus himself says he will never play again.

Apparently, Marcus’ aunt was living in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. She didn’t evacuate and instead, she died.

But, Marcus’ aunt was also into some spooky sh*t.

Things just got weirder and weirder from there.

I’d probably poop in my pants.

Oh My God.


I’m sweating.

I wouldn’t go back there either! GTFO!


Yeah, I don’t think I’ll ever touch a Ouija Board…ever.

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