Eight Self Care Ways To Enjoy Labor Day This Year

Labor Day is almost here. And while it may bring on some end of summer bummer blues, Labor Day is a great day to reset and renew. If you are familiar with the history of labor day, you will know that it is rooted in our culture since the late nineteenth century. The first Monday of September is a federal holiday that annually celebrates the hard work of all, and the prosperity that labor brings this nation.  So it is time for some self care celebration, you worker, you.. here are ten ways to make this Labor Day glorious.


Wake Up Late

You heard me. Wake up late. No alarm, no am agenda. Just you and your time.  Break out of your routine and dare to dream a little extra on Labor Day.


Have Breakfast

And I do not mean a protein bar. A real breakfast, maybe even brunch with friends. Because there is nothing better than slowly sipping coffee over some good girlfriend chatter. No friends in town? no problem, a solo date at a cafe is sure to renew. Pumpkin Season is coming– so maybe a pumpkin latte, a croissant and some people watching..  I’m in!


FALLLIFY Your Closet

It is almost time to transition to fallwear. Which means breaking out those light to medium sweaters, bringing up those fall boots closer to the front of the closet, and chanelling your inner Marie Kondo. So make those donations, get your consignment on locally, and get those fall hats ready to brim over your cute fall face.


Nails Done

Rustic oranges, burnished burgundies, and smokey blue hues,.. nail color goes darker after Labor Day. So why not pamper yourself with a pedi? Spa time never fails to rejuvenate!


Get On The Water

Lake life and Beach life beckon us all on Labor Day. Kayaking or Stand Up Paddle, or just float in the pool. Taking some time on the water will help you find your blue mind and reset your mindeset. Ditch technology, read a book and turn off all push notifications. Find your zen with simplicity today.


Shop For Deals Online

There are some amazing deals online on Labor Day. So grab that sports bra for your fitness or finally get that larger purchase on a deal like a new bike. Let your fingers do the bargain shopping, perhaps poolside?? Just remember to wear the sunscreen. Its hot out there!


Catch Up On The Binge Worthy

Maybe a Labor Day Netflix and Chill is the perfect self care idea. Spend some time alone with your Love Island, Gossip Girl and let’s all freak out with You. Break out the popcorn and snacks, and enjoy your space. And your day off. Ahhhh


Find Your Evening

Grab a catch up drink with a friend, find a patio and wear that labor day white item–Just make it an early start so you can have quality time with your bestie today. Don’t work too hard at making plans today. Just go with the flow.


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