
Woman Shares Screenshots From Dog Trainer Who Kidnapped Her Dog And Said ‘He Died’

When taking your dog to a trainer or training organization, you expect high, professional care. Animals and pets are like our family and we want them to be treated with dignity, kindness, and respect. But, one woman was left crushed and angry when she lost her dog, Ollie, after leaving him with a trainer. Rachel Grace Tyrer from Jonesboro, Arkansas is asking the Internet for help after leaving her dog with Hunter Nelson’s Four Legged Retrievers, a training program.


According to Tyrer, the program was supposed to be 4 weeks long. Instead, Ollie was left with Hunter Nelson for 11 weeks, and, eventually told Tyrer that Ollie had “died.” In a Facebook post, Tyrer shared her story saying: 


Hunter Nelson, owner of Four Legged Retrievers, was training my dog, who died in his care. Ollie went to Hunter for a 4 week basic obedience program on August 13th that ended up lasting 11 weeks. We had mid day training appointments scheduled several times, which ended in Hunter never showing up and/or having excuses to reschedule. I was so excited to see Ollie and get to love on him for a little bit. Around week 10 of training, I finally was fed up of not seeing my dog and demanded to go pick him up. The morning I was supposed to go pick him up, Hunter sent me a text to tell me that Ollie had been “bit by a snake”. Hunter said he took him straight to the vet, gave him Benadryl, and that it was a non-poisonous snake.

Per Hunter, the vet said Ollie had a 100% chance he was going to survive. That night he stayed at the vet because the swelling was getting worse. I was supposed to pick him up from poplar bluff vets office on Wednesday morning. I got a text at 3:19 am that Ollie had passed away from “swelling”. Not a call, but a text. Hunter took it upon himself to bury Ollie without any concerns of how and where I would want him buried. I didn’t get the text until 7 AM when I woke up and Hunter had already buried him without my permission. He was evidently buried with his green collar and razorback tag still on his neck. I have no proof or any idea where Ollie was buried at besides it was on Hunter’s property.

Hunter was so disrespectful that morning that he couldn’t even give me five minutes out of his day to give me the vets office phone number and name or call me just to comfort me and explain what exactly happened, as I was extremely emotional. When he would not give me the vets paperwork or phone number or explain really what happened, my stomach started to tell me that something was very wrong. Hunter has since then not let me see my dog, give me paperwork, and has continued to lie to me about three different vet offices of which Ollie went to, trying to cover himself up. Originally my Ollie went to go see a “Dr. Hart” in Polar Bluff. I called every vet around that area and had not found one Dr. Hart. I brought that up to Hunter and he said that he went to the Corning vet, which I also called and they did not know of a Dr. Hart either. He then said that Ollie actually went to Paragould Animal Clinic, which I called and asked for a Dr. Hart. Of course, there was no Dr. Hart at that clinic. The vet also did not have hunters name, business name, my name, or my dogs name anywhere in their system. They never even saw a dog with a snake bite in the month of October with the name last name Nelson or dog name of Ollie.

Since then I have found out about SEVERAL people who have dealt with him with bad outcomes. Their dogs, like mine, have also been abused, sold, or “bit by a snake”. After talking to Hunter the past three months I have uncovered that Ollie never went to a vet and died “immediately” in Hunters care, due to a COTTON MOUTH bite. He is continually trying to pay me off to not post anything on Facebook or social media. He does not care that my dog died, he just wants to cover it up for his sake. If you want your dog to die, be sold, or come home in complete horrible health and not trained AT ALL, then take your dog to Hunter Nelson. Hunter has only wanted to help when I threatened to post anything on Facebook or get into any legal action. I don’t even know where my Ollie is at, if he really did die, if he is suffering still in Hunter’s care, or was sold. Ollie was and still is my baby and I adopted him to give him a better life. I would’ve never have thought for a second anyone could’ve been so cold-hearted and cruel. We need justice for Ollie and ALL the other dogs, which have been more than I want to imagine, that have been mistreated by Hunter Nelson. Please help and share this post. My sweet baby didn’t deserve to die like that, especially without his puppy parents by his side. What if this was you?

Additionally, Tyrer shared all of the screenshots of text messages between her and Hunter to prove he was giving her the runaround.

People online are now trying to get justice for Ollie and find out where he is. Many people found Hunter Nelson’s Twitter account and began asking where Ollie is.