
If You Ain't First, You're Last

"I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor."

-Henry David Thoreau

Now is the time to focus your energy on new beginnings and the power you have to change your life for the better; forever.  

But first things first you need to get yourself out of the rut your feeling now. To do this it’s so important that you analyze how you perceive yourself.

Typically limitations stem from the negative messages from you, other people and past events. Have no fear though this is easy to overcome.

One thing you have to remember is YOU have the power to succeed, to grow your awareness and learn how to make better choices so you can enjoy abundance in every aspect of your life. You have to elevate your thoughts – this is what will empower you; your true self and a higher power.

This is why you have to love yourself FIRST, because no matter how difficult your situation might be loving you will allow the embrace the wonderful blessings that are present and ones received moving forward. Know that it is not only possible to change your thoughts by adapting this to your life but even your actions will learn to follow suit.

Steady, change will cause your dreams to flourish and be realized.

Marcus Aurelius once said; “The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it”. 

So when you feel like you’re in your darkest hour I need you to practice these things daily. Meditating -Quiet your mind for at least 15 minutes a day it might feel silly the first few times you try this but keep doing it eventually, you will get in tune with yourself and feel this energy flow inside of you. This will catapult your mind into the right direction so you can gain clarity and realize your dreams. Now once those dreams of yours have gained said clarity I need you to choose a goal, any goal no matter how small or big and take a step each day towards achieving that because energy flows where attention goes. Compliment yourself once a day yes, it’s totally acceptable to start off by doing this inside of your room or in the bathroom where no one can see, by all mean's get your feet wet.

And compliment someone else – that special moment can give them the boost they need to stay happy and productive -the universe will thank you. Lastly, I need you to focus your mind on what you feel are your best achievements, again no matter how big or small and your ability to succeed.  Exploiting the attitude of your best self and acknowledging your accolades will make the sense of who-you-are grow stronger.

You really have to believe in yourself if you expect your current situation to change. Balance your energy levels; focus on your wishes and your desired goals and you will begin to manifest them with the knowledge that this year you’re coming for everything you deserve.

Boss up girl, you got this…