
Why Moms Should Rock The The Two-Piece Swimsuit


Talking with a friend the other day I realized that Moms don’t wear what they used to after they have had children.

This friend in particular once told me that it doesn’t matter what you wear or what your body looks like because after you have a child, you created something that people try their whole lives to create.

Stretch marks are something to be praised for because there are women who can’t get stretch marks from having a baby. These women look at your stretch marks and consider you a fantastic woman for doing something they can’t.

Some women try so hard to have those marks on their bodies that they even get a little jealous seeing them on you. A person who may not have even struggled to become pregnant.

Growing up, I remember going to the beach as often as my parents could get us there. This was one activity our family loved to do together on Summer Days. I am not sure when I realized it, I am not sure I even asked until I was older. My mother, as beautiful as she is, struggled with her body image and having stretch marks from my two brothers and me; she was also in a one-piece swimsuit.

I, however, usually had a two-piece on, except when I was really little. One day, out of the blue, when I was grown and had a child of my own, my mom and I took my daughter to the beach, and I was so proud to see her in a two-piece.

I of course, had to praise this because there are so few women who feel comfortable doing this. It took her a long time, but she was finally in a two-piece.


Why Does It Matter To Me?

Why and I bothering to tell a bunch of strangers about my mom’s swimsuit or my friend’s fear of wearing one after having a child?

I am telling you this because someday, there will be a moment when one of your friends has a child or one of your friends who already does have a child will come to you and say something about wanting to look good in a two-piece swimsuit.

This is your chance to make sure that woman feels like a woman. This will be the moment that you can tell her to rock it and not feel ashamed for being a mother.

You can tell her to rock a bathing suit, and you can tell her that she CAN rock that two-piece!

Don’t let yourself feel the pressure to wear a one-piece if you want to buy that really cute two-piece swimsuit you saw last week. Go for it!

You do you. And know that at the end of the day, married or not, boyfriend or not, you have only got one person to impress, …yourself!