
17 Differences Between the Fairweather Friend and the Forever Friend

Sometimes it can be hard to tell if you and your friend are just a weekend fling or the real deal. You know you’re having a blast now, but will you end up together down the line? On a scale from fairweather to forever, which side are you and your BFF on? 

You know you’re meant to be for life if you pass the following test:

  1. The fairweather friend texts you back right away when it’s about going out and making plans. 
  2. …then they become weirdly non-responsive when you text them to vent about not-so-good stuff. 
  3. But the forever friend texts you back constantly about anything.
  4. When you get ready to meet up with the fairweather friend, you end up feeling too dressed down or too dressed up. But when you and the forever friend hang out, you’re free to lead the messy bun and sweatpants life
  5. …Unless you’re glamming it up for a night out: with the forever friend, you get ready together and test out multiple outfits. And sharing each other’s clothes and accessories? Willingness to share=foreverness.
  6. The fairweather friend acts really excited about plans with you beforehand, but flakes out on you. The forever friend makes plans with you outta nowhere and surprises you in a good way.
  7. You answer the fairweather friend‘s random late night phone calls when they urgently want to vent about a problem, but they never seem to respond to your calls when you are the one who wants to talk. With your forever friend, though, the communication is a two-way street.
  8. The fairweather friend is at their happiest with you clinking glasses, making toasts. But the forever friend talks to you even when you’re both hungover.
  9. The fairweather friend says you better go home when you’re so crazy drunk you can barely walk or string together a coherent sentence. But the forever friend shows they care: they tuck you into bed and put a garbage can next to it, just in case you need to throw up.
  10. When you’re going through a rough phase, the fairweather friend suddenly is busy with a lot of her own problems. But the forever friend’s by your side trying to cheer you up with ice cream when you have a sh*tty day and you can’t stop complaining about your ex.
  11. When you run into your fairweather friend on the street, they greet you like you’re besties and yet they barely ask how you are. When you run into your forever friend, you two end up talking through doing laundry, picking up a roll of toilet paper because that’s just how you guys are.
  12. When the fairweather friend is late, you can’t help but wonder, did they forget or make other plans? and you look on social media to double-check if they made some update. But when the forever friend is late without texting you what’s going on, you’re worrying I hope there wasn’t a car accident or an emergency or something.
  13. When some random person insults you, the fairweather friend tries to convince you it’s no big deal and not to take it personally. But the forever friend gets angry and despises anyone who treats you badly and stays angry at them longer than you.
  14. The fairweather friend goes home after the party’s over and you’re not sure what’s up. After the party with your forever friend, you two have your own after party with a sleepover. Or via text.
  15. The fairweather friend tunes out a little when you tell them about really bad news or really good news, and you’re not really sure if they’re excited or feeling with you.
  16. …But the forever friend is always the first person you share good news, and the bad, with..
  17. …And they always will be.