
The Best Kratom For Euphoria: Which Strain & How Much To Take?

What is Euphoria?

Euphoria is simply the fancy word to describe the exuberant state of happiness. It’s when one experiences an overwhelming feeling of pleasure, excitement and well being. A feeling that everything will be great; everything is great, life just feels good and worth living. Chemically speaking, one of the ways we experience euphoria is when our body releases endorphins, which are opioid-like compounds; although, oftentimes, there are other molecules at play like dopamine, serotonin, GABA, glutamine etc. People can enter the state of euphoria through natural means, such as exercise, love, or sex; or, by consuming certain drugs, such as ecstasy, benzodiazepines, opioids etc.

However, there’s no need to go searching for illegal or prescription drugs that have been designed in a lab to mimic these naturally occurring compounds. A time-tested Southeast Asian ancient leaf called kratom may provide the near-universally desired euphoria.


How Does Kratom Produce Euphoria?

The short answer is alkaloids. They are naturally occurring nitrogen containing organic compounds found in plants which have effects on humans. Kratom has a complex alkaloid profile which is what makes this plant so unique. There are a vast number of alkaloids present in Kratom, but there are a few that make it especially unique. Among them, 7-hydroxymitragynine, is the alkaloid that is thought to induce the euphoric experience the most. As anyone familiar with kratom knows, there are various strains of kratom in the market. Each strain has a unique concentration of the various alkaloids causing a different effect. The serving size also can make all the difference.


The Absolute Best Kratom for Euphoria

When looking to buy kratom online you want to choose the best strain for a euphoric experience. Each strain has distinct properties so if euphoria is what you want, we will show you some of the best strains for producing euphoria:


Green Maeng Da Kratom

Maeng Da is the most well-known Kratom strain for euphoria because it balances both the relaxation and stimulating properties. It is considered highly potent for the most intense and long-lasting effects. Maeng Da Kratom is harvested from mature trees in Southeast Asia, making it ideal for inducing euphoria.

What to Expect

After a long day at work or for a special event, Maeng Da Kratom is your ideal choice. You will feel a more subtle feeling of relaxation and calmness.

Nevertheless, many people new to Kratom might find Maeng Da too intense, which is why choosing a strain with lighter effects might be their best choice when starting out. Let’s look at these options.


Super Green Malaysia Kratom

Super Green Malaysia Kratom is a perfect beginner’s choice and great for those looking for something more subtle than MaengDa strains. It is also distinct in that you can expect the euphoric effects to last longer than most other strains out there. Similarly to Maeng Da, Super Green Malaysia has the euphoric effect just with less intensity, making it the ideal variety for the Kratom novices.


What to Expect

Super Green Kratom will not let you down if you are after something long lasting and subtle with a boost of energy and sense of euphoria.


White Borneo Kratom

White Borneo Kratom is a wild harvested strain from the island of Borneo. Like Green Malaysia, White Borneo Kratom also boosts your energy and feelings of euphoria. The difference is that it is much more capricious when it comes to the serving size. The effects can vary dramatically if you go overboard; however, if you find the right amount for you, White Borneo can produce a unique, therapeutic, blissful, euphoric feeling. Many people choose to take White Borneo for improved concentration and energy boost.


What to Expect

After about an hour of taking White Borneo you will get a clean, energized feeling, making you wonder why you haven’t tried it sooner!


Red Vein Bali Kratom

Bali Kratom comes from the jungles of Indonesia and is perfect for those who are just starting out with Kratom and are looking for enhanced mood along with a mild euphoria. Red Vein Bali, albeit in small quantities, also might help boost feeling of self confidence in social situations.


What to Expect

Red Vein Bali will give you a subtle feeling of happiness butwon’t make you feel overwhelmed as long as you take a reasonable amount. It’s just enough to take the edge off and help you feel more relaxed and comfortable in your skin.


Red Borneo Kratom

Finally, the last Kratom strain that seems to produce a sense of euphoria is commonly referred to as Red Borneo Kratom. Red Borneo is quite similar to Red Bali in the sense that it gives the user an elevated mood and a euphoric experience. However, Red Borneo tends to be a “Less is more” type of strain and has the most variability among its’ users, as some people claim it can give them anxiety.


What to Expect

After taking Red Borneo, you may experience a subtle boost in mood and feel very relaxed. Those for whom it is suitable absolutely love this variety. Those for whom it is not most probably just haven’t found the proper serving size.


How Much Kratom Should You Take For Euphoria?

As mentioned, everyone is different and will require different doses and different strains. It might take a couple of tries to find which variety and amount works best for you. To start, the rule of thumb is to start small and add more as necessary. The process is called “self-titration”. Plus, as you increase your use, you may need to increase your serving size to ensure you get the same effects.


Here is a reference guide to help you get the effects you’re looking for:

Desired Effects

Recommended Dosage

Energy Boost & Euphoria

1-3 grams

Relaxation & Euphoria

4-6 grams

Sedation over Euphoria

7-10 grams


It is very important to choose the right amount for your desired effects. Since each strain will vary in alkaloid content, it’s important to listen to your body and find the right serving size for you. We also suggest you consult your primary care physician and discuss your strain and dose to be certain that it won’t harm your health or wellbeing.

So, depending on the effect you are after, just remember that as you increase your usage frequency over time, your tolerance will build up, which means you will need to increase your serving size to achieve the same effect. It is for this reason that many kratom users are constantly rotating between strains to prevent building up a tolerance. Many vendors offer variety packs of kratom for sale to help the consumer get multiple strains at an affordable rate.

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