
7 Habits To Have While Studying Like A Badass

1. Know Your Studying Self

When I say know your studying self, it means know how best you learn. Did you know there are seven different styles to learn? I really didn’t know there were that many until I started doing some light research for this article. But, it is my please to start breaking these seven different styles down for you.

-The visual learner (spatial) most of you folks prefer looking at pictures to understand what you are doing.-Aural 

-auditory learner: These people love music and do most of their learning by putting things to rhyme.

-Verbal (linguistic) You all love using writing and putting things into word form to learn best, for example sometimes reading a textbook passage out loud tends to work better for your understanding.

-Solitary You are the lone wolf if you will, self-learner’s always have a special place in my heart. You guys can usually teach you selves anything and it’s impressive.

-Social These people I.E myself need study groups to keep them motivated and help them problem solve issues.

-Logical you guys love being very mathematical about your approach to learning and love finding a formula to everything you do. You make lists, find patterns, most importantly you don’t like trying a different way to learn.

-Physical learners you all have to touch and use your senses to discover how to work a problem. For example, mental math has never been my thing I always have to write out the problem and see it.

2. Come prepared and not.

This simply means bring everything you need and nothing you don’t if, you just need a textbook and some journals leave the computer and cell phone at home. When you bring just want you need then you won’t be distracted at all. You are more productive when you only have what you need and not what you want.

3. Where you study is important

A lot of people try and study in front of the TV, this goes back to knowing your studying self. Knowing your studying self, helps you find the right place to study, that can really make a difference. I know when I studied I front of the TV verses when I went to the Library in a study room I always felt more focused.

4. Write verses being right

Since starting school I know everyone thinks they have the best ways to study. Some people think that if they don’t study they will do much better then over thinking and studying. Now, I’m not sure how that works, it hasn’t ever worked out best for me. I like to write out an outline of what I’m studying or what the lecture was about to give me an idea of what to look back on. If, I have an outline of notes when I need to study for a quiz, it’s less overwhelming.

5. Make a schedule and stick to it.

Studying isn’t something you should do when you have a spare second or when you have a test or quiz. If, you make those outlines every day, look over notes and do practice problems you will feel much more prepared. Also, ask questions, write those questions down. Learn from your peers, sometimes your professor doesn’t always know what he/she is talking about.

6. Game it, Flip it, Name it.

When I was in elementary school I had this teacher that taught us a memory game. Now, I suck at memorization however, I’ve used this technique for almost anything I needed it for in school. I’d write down whatever ten times, then fold my piece of paper in half, say it and then try and spell it out. It helped out a lot with math, chemistry, and spelling of course. The point is make it something fun and you will enjoy it more.

7. Take a break, Reward Yourself.

You are not Superman/Superwoman; you aren’t going to learn everything in one day. But, as long as you are trying that is something. When you start to feel like your mind can’t absorb anything anymore take a break. Refuel your brain with healthy snacks not crap, you will crash and burn later and feel worse. Then if you ace that test get yourself those Steam Points you wanted, or that new jacket that’s on sale now.

Take your time and find out what works best for you; Everyone deserves to be successful. I can only tell you what I’ve heard works and moments that I’ve found success in some of the things I’ve done. Happy studying.

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