
Because Your Mom Definitely Deserves a Hug for All These Things

Unfortunately, not all of us were born with moms of the year. But if we were, we know it. And sometimes your mom deserves a big “Thank you” and a hug for everything she has done for you.

  1. For taking care of you before you were even born. As adults, we now realize how hard it would be to give up wine for 40 weeks, yet our moms did it without thinking twice.

  2. For always being your biggest fan. For acting like you were a professional sports star, even when you were just playing for the YMCA.

  3. Give your mom a hug for every boo-boo she kissed….For every monster under the bed that she scared away…For every cuddle after a nightmare…For every time she protected you.

  4. For every time she held you while you cried….For every time she helped you mend a broken heart….for every time she took care of you while you were sick….For every time she came to your rescue.

  5. For every time you hurt her feelings….for when you called her embarrassing….for when you told her you hated her…..for when you said you couldn’t wait until you were old enough to move out. Hug her for every time she had to hide in the bathroom to cry, so you wouldn’t see her tears.

  6. For everything she gave up for you. For the hobbies she gave up. The dreams she put on hold, all the sacrifices she made. And she would do it all again in a heartbeat.

  7. For every time she has supported you. She’s the first person you call when you have bad news, because you know she will make it better. She’s the first person you call when you have good news, because you know she will celebrate like you just won the Pulitzer.

  8. For everything she has taught you. For helping you with your homework. For teaching you manners. For teaching you about life, love and friendship.

  9. For all the extra time she spent on you. For driving you to and from practices. For going to parent teacher conferences. For buying from an endless amounts of fundraisers.

  10.  For the traditions she has instilled in you. For the things that you will one day pass down to your own children.

  11. Because she is a human too. Because there are times she is scared or sad. And although she will do everything she can to hide it from you, it doesn’t mean that her feelings aren’t real.

  12. Because she misses you. As you grew up she went from being your life line to standing on the side lines. And she needs to know that you will always need her.

  13. Give your mom a hug because one day you won’t be able to anymore, and you don’t want to have any regrets.

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