
I'm a Single Mom, I Still Deserve Love

Just because I’m a single mom doesn’t mean I can’t date.

My first time going on a dating app I received a message saying that I was either a hoe who wasn’t careful, or that the baby daddy must have left me. He also stated that nobody would ever want to take care of my “burden”

 First off neither one of those things were true about me.

I was married when I had my son and I chose to leave his abusive father.

It upset me nonetheless.

It upset me that anyone would call a child a burden but that showed me more about his character than mine.

I can imagine that I’m not the only person that has been through that.

So I will say this again so all the people in the back can hear me.

Just because I am a single mom does not mean that I can’t or shouldn’t date.

Having a child, regardless of whether or not they were out of wedlock does not make it so that I don’t deserve happiness or love.

We are not in the dark ages. Have we forgotten what happened at the end of The Scarlet Letter?

He was wrong about one other thing.

In my experience so far as a single mother, there are many men who would love to step in to help to take care of my blessing.

I will be waiting for the right one though because I am a single mom and I can take care of my baby all by myself.

I won’t let this stupid and pathetic excuse for a human affect how I feel about myself or my decision to date.  I can only hope that everyone else that deals with this feels the same.