
To My Toxic Ex: Your Repression Liberated Me

When we officially started dating (way sooner than I expected), I met his family. He is very close with is family and wanted me to spend time with him which I thought was cute. I had never met a significant other’s family that early on, so I was definitely hesitant and intimidated. From what he told me, they were very religious, conservative, and would not approve of how much I cursed (which is like a tiny sailor). So, in order to be respectful, I avoided using any profanities at dinner.


Things went well and I really enjoyed their company. They are very kind, generous people. I cannot say anything ill about him or them. I would honestly not be alive today if they had not come into my life when they did. I owe them my life several times over and I will never deny them that gift.

They knew of my mental health struggles and did what they could to be supportive and help me stay on track. I cannot say enough about them for that. Instead of being freaked out, they were there for me and made sure to ask the difficult questions when I was manic, depressed, etc.


Well, about 7 months into our relationship, we had a three month breakup that was a result of me showing up at his family’s house and causing a belligerent drunken scene after he and I had a huge fight over the phone that led to the initial breakup. When that happened, I was utterly devastated. Not only for my actions, words, and what happened, but because I was convinced that he was the guy I would marry. So, in order to get back together with him, I did not allow him a minute’s space from me.